-It is very possible and encouraged to download these mp3 files, then burn them onto a cd. Proceed to wrap the cd in a piece of colored paper. It's much more economic then paying your $2 to Last Day Off for a Cd, However, If you want a cd produced by Last Day Off, please send an Electronic message to not4conversation@email.com and they will arrange it.
-Get new Last Day Off CD for $3 message to same place as above.
-If the Real Audio files wont play on your computer, go to www.real.com
and download the new RealPlayer. It doesn't cost money.
-If mp3's wont play on your computer and it has a pentium processor then go to www.winamp.com
and download winamp. It doesn't cost money.

Calling 1-888-242-4000
Last Day Off-pinkcd
Mpeg Layer 3 Format
worker bees (bees.mp3
solid surface (solid.mp3
laundry list (laundrylist.mp3

Calling 1-800-421-2000
Last Day Off/ElCamino Car Crash Split
Mpeg Layer 3 Format
hazel (hazelsp.mp3
i hear nothing at all (hearnosp.mp3

Calling 1-428-363-8970
-blocked- local and toll free calls only


Calling 1-900-222-3262
That Sense of Falling
Real Audio V.8.5

