- www.godhatesfags.com the website for westboro Baptist church. The whole website and accordingly, the church is based on the line from the bible "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22. The website continues to cite what they think will happen to you if you commit this sin.
This is what they have to say about Matthew Shephard who was killed because he was gay. "Matthew Shepard has been in hell for 874 days. Deal with it! All else is trivial and unimportant. All the fag caterwauling, candlelight vigils, court orders, etc., can't buy Matt one drop of water to cool his tongue."
We suggest you go to this site after looking it over, go to the page titled "contact us." After looking over their description of how they screen their mail, try to send them something that gets around all of that.
www.iraqaction.org After the gulf war, people of Iraq were in bad shape because there was little to no money for the country to provide its people with food. The United Nations set up measures to allow Iraq to sell limited amounts of oil in order to provide for its people, Iraq declined. The humanitarian situation steadily has been becoming worse. Finally in 1996, the agreement was made and a program called "oil for food" has been in place. Many more situations are present also in Iraq, please look at this site to learn more about them.
www.iacenter.org Information, Activism, and Resistance to U.S. Militarism, War, and Corporate Greed, Linking with Struggles Against Racism and Oppression within the United States
www.nonviolence.org The Nonviolence Web began in 1995 by dragging some of the U.S.'s most dynamic peace groups online, providing them with free webmastering and hosting.
www.Tibet.com A peace loving country which has been in exile because of the war and power hungry neighboring country of China. Chinas armies invaded Tibet in 1949 and after killing the shabby and small armies composed terrified Tibetan people who had never known of anything called "war," the Chinese government forced a treaty on Tibet saying that it was part of China and then proceeded to create news saying that Tibet agreed to the treaty. The people of Tibet have since been in exile and the Dhali Llama (the spiritual and governmental leader of Tibet) has not been to his homeland since the invasion.
There is a page on here titled "how you can help Tibet." Go there once you understand the situation.
www.spot.com A satellite with the capability of making a perfectly clear picture of a seashell. You may or may not find this threatening/frightening.